Foreclosure Prevention

Foreclosure Prevention

Should you experience difficulty paying your mortgage, help may be available. It is very important that you contact your loan servicer immediately and don’t let the payment deadline pass. HUD-certified housing counselors can help you navigate this situation successfully and avoid a foreclosure. Your first step is to seek assistance as soon as you suspect that you may not be able to make a payment.

THDA HUD-Certified Housing Counselors

THDA is a HUD-approved counseling agency with certified housing counselors who will have a confidential conversation with you to discuss your situation and will help you determine the best way to address your needs. Housing counselors do not provide financial assistance but can provide you with resources and solutions. Most importantly, they will help you put together a plan that will guide you step by step through this difficult time.

Phone: 1-888-HUD-THDA (483-8432) or 615-815-2238


TN HUD-approved housing agencies


Loans Serviced by Volunteer Mortgage Loan Servicing

If your loan is serviced by Volunteer Mortgage Loan Servicing (VMLS) you can call them for assistance at 1-844-VOL-SERV (865-7378).

COVID-19 Mortgage Forbearance: What You Need to Know

BEWARE of Foreclosure Rescue Scams!

Help is FREE! Beware of any organization or person who:

  • Offers a guarantee that they can save your home
  • Says they can save your home if you sign or transfer the deed to your house
  • Requests a fee for housing counseling services or modifications of a delinquent loan
  • Tells you to not contact your loan servicer
  • Tells you to make your mortgage payments to anyone other than your loan servicer
  • Asks you to make your mortgage payment to them instead of your loan servicer.

More Foreclosure Prevention Information