Tennessee Housing Development Agency awarded a HOME program grant to Hamblen County that will be used to make much-needed repairs for low-income and elderly homeowners.
The $750,000 HOME grant will be used by the county to repair or rebuild up to nine homes. The program is being administered on behalf of the county by the Tennessee Community Assistance Corporation (TCAC).
TCAC and Hamblen County will hold public meetings this fall to outline application procedures and grant guidelines. A priority list will be created based on the level of rehabilitation work required on the structures and the financial situation of each applicant.
Any homes that cannot be brought up to code will not be considered for the project.
If the hard cost of repairs exceeds more than 75 percent of the home’s appraised value, the funds will be used for reconstruction.
Hamblen County also received a HOME grant in 2019 to make repairs to six substandard homes.
One of those residences belongs to Elizabeth Griffith, who hosted THDA staff, TCAC staff, Hamblen County Mayor Bill Brittain and State Rep. Rick Eldridge at her home to celebrate the announcement of the most recent HOME funding.
With the help of the grant, TCAC and Hamblen County were able to substantial repairs to Griffith’s home, including installing a new central heating unit, making repairs to her roof and ceiling and installing new siding and hardwood floors.