HOME Program
The federally-funded HOME Program promotes the production, preservation, and rehabilitation of single family housing for low-income households
The federally-funded HOME Program promotes the production, preservation, and rehabilitation of single family housing for low-income households
THDA established the Tennessee Housing Trust Fund to meet the housing needs of the most under-served Tennesseans.
The Weatherization Assistance and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Programs assist low-income households with fuel costs and home energy needs through increased efficiency and education.
Provides the services necessary to help persons that are at-risk of homelessness or homeless quickly regain stability in permanent housing.
Provides grant funding to eligible agencies that administer eviction prevention programs in order to help prevent evictions and keep tenants stably housed.
CITC provides tax credits for financial institutions engaging in eligible low-income housing activities.
Public Housing Authorities and non-profit entities may compete for NHTF grants to provide rental housing for extremely low income (ELI) households.
Provides funding to expand permanent recovery housing options for individuals recovering from an Opioid Use Disorder.