Recent Publications
This page displays the most recent work of THDA's Research and Planning department, and at any given time may show the most recent 6-12 months of division work.
This page displays the most recent work of THDA's Research and Planning department, and at any given time may show the most recent 6-12 months of division work.
This section provides an interactive map of select QAP criteria, all active and pipeline LIHC properties, data associated with the program, and associated reports.
The TN Housing Needs page features regional housing needs research as well as our housing indicators, via an interactive GIS dashboard for all 95 counties.
An overview of Tennessee's housing trends: sales prices, foreclosure activity, deliquency rates, housing affordability, vacancy rates, and homeownership rates.
Single Family Loan Program Reports discuss the different types of loans available, analyze the data and activities of THDA single family programs, and determine the economic impact generated through these programs.
View THDA's annual program spending in a new report, and series of new, interactive maps.
A series of short and informative research reports produced by the RP division, often focusing on areas of housing policy.
The Consolidated Plan serves as a guide in helping the state meet affordable housing, community development, economic development, and public service needs over the next five years.
THDA reviews utility allowances on an annual basis to determine if any adjustment needs to be made, by county.
View maps showing THDA-administered Housing Choice Vouchers from 2024, as well as their geography relative to Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty (RCAPs).
Connect with the Tenneseee Housing Development Agency Research & Planning Division.