Consolidated Planning
THDA Public Notice: Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment to the State of Tennessee's 2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan and FY 24 - 25 Annual Action Plan to implement disaster relief activities following Hurricane Helene
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, is seeking comments on a proposed substantial amendment to the 2020 – 2024 Consolidated Plan and FY 24 – 25 Annual Action Plan to implement disaster relief activities following the impacts of Hurricane Helene.
The proposed substantial amendment would establish a new program, the HOME Homeowner Rehabilitation Program for East Tennessee Disaster Recovery, which will offer $8 million in available HOME funds to Carter, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi, and Washington counties through a discretionary application process to assist with homeowner rehabilitation activities stemming from the impacts of Hurricane Helene. The funding will produce an estimated 40 units of rehabilitated homeowner housing across these eight counties.
A substantial amendment to the 2020 – 2024 Consolidated Plan is proposed to allow HOME to distribute funds discretionarily to the federally declared disaster counties, rather than through the HOME program’s typical competitive process. A substantial amendment to the FY 24 – 25 Annual Action Plan is proposed to establish the new disaster relief program and describe its funding and method of distribution.
The proposed substantial amendment will be available for review and public comment from January 22 - 29, 2025.
Read the substantial amendment summary here.
Comment on the amendment here.
Here are the details for the public hearing:
Wednesday January 29, 2025,10:00 – 11:00 AM CST
Andrew Jackson Building, Ground Floor Hearing Room, 502 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243
The building is ADA accessible with ground-level entry on Fifth Avenue.
Additionally, participants can join the public meeting virtually using this link.
For questions and accommodations, contact Amara Mattingly at
Aviso Público de THDA: Ahora Aceptando Comentarios Públicos Sobre una Enmienda Sustancial del Estado de Tennessee 2020 - 2024 Plan Consolidado y FY 24 - 25 Plan de Acción Anual para la Implementación de las Actividades de Alivio de Desastres tras el Huracán Helene
La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de Tennessee, está solicitando comentarios sobre una propuesta de enmienda sustancial al Plan Consolidado 2020 - 2024 y al Plan de Acción Anual FY 24 - 25 para implementar actividades de socorro en caso de desastre tras los impactos del huracán Helene.
La enmienda sustancial propuesta establecería un nuevo programa, el Programa de Rehabilitación de Propietarios HOME para la Recuperación de Desastres del Este de Tennessee, que ofrecerá $ 8 millones en fondos disponibles de HOME a los Condados de Carter, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi y Washington mediante un proceso de solicitud discrecional para ayudar con las actividades de rehabilitación de propietarios de viviendas derivadas de los impactos del huracán Helene. Los fondos producirán un estimado de 40 unidades de viviendas rehabilitadas para propietarios en estos ocho condados.
Se propone una modificación sustancial del Plan consolidado 2020-2024 para permitir que HOME distribuya fondos discrecionalmente a los condados declarados como áreas de desastre a nivel federal, en lugar de a través del proceso competitivo típico del programa HOME. Se propone una enmienda sustancial al Plan de Acción Anual para el año fiscal 24 - 25 para establecer el nuevo programa, su financiación y los métodos de distribución.
El proyecto de enmienda estará disponible para su revisión y comentarios del 22 al 29 de enero de 2025 durante el periodo formal de comentarios públicos.
Los detalles de la reunión pública figuran a continuación:
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 AM CST
Andrew Jackson Building, Ground Floor Hearing Room, 502 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243
El edificio cuenta con accesibilidad ADA, con entrada terrestre en el primer piso a través la Quinta Avenida (Fifth Avenue, en inglés).
Además, los participantes pueden asistir virtualmente a la reunión pública mediante este enlace.
Si tiene preguntas o necesita algún ajuste comuníquese con Amara Mattingly en
*Esta reunión fue reprogramada para el viernes 10 de enero de 2025 debido a las inclemencias del tiempo.
Instructions for Placing a Request for a Certification of Consistency with the State of Tennessee’s Consolidated Plan
Public Housing Authorities, Continuum of Care applicants and applicants to other affordable housing grant/loan programs (e.g. the Federal Home Loan Bank) are required to gain certification from the jurisdiction in which their grant will do their work that the proposed activity is consistent with the jurisdiction’s HUD Consolidated Plan.
When requesting a certification of consistency with the state’s Consolidated Plan, please supply the following information to ensure that Tennessee Housing Development Agency has the information needed to certify.
Overall Summary of the Activities/Project Proposed
- The brief summary should not exceed two (2) pages in length and should include information on the types of activities proposed, project location, funding sources, amount of funds requested and the benefit(s) provided to recipients.
- If information in the overall summary is insufficient, THDA will contact the applicant for additional information.
- If project or activities include demolition of public housing units, applicants should submit detailed information including, but not limited to, the following:
- Housing market analysis that demonstrates an existing supply of available affordable housing in the community.
- Proof of resident public hearing with resident comments.
- Number and types of units to be demolished (one-bedroom, multi-units, etc.)
- Demographics of and number of families being displaced.
- A plan indicating where residents will move once units are demolished.
- A plan for construction of replacement/new units if applicable. Also, note if former residents will receive preference for new units.
If demolition is proposed, PHAs should submit plans for approval at least one month prior to submission of their plan to HUD. Additional information may be required.
Brief description of how the PHA or proposed project contributes to affirmatively furthering fair housing
The state’s certification must show how the activities proposed contribute to affirmatively furthering fair housing. A sentence or two describing this for the certification is helpful to getting the certification finalized. More information may also be included in the summary to help explain the anticipated fair housing implications.
Certification of Consistency Request Form
Please fill out the appropriate request form and submit it with the overall summary.
The most up to date forms can be found at the HUD website by clicking:
Here for the certification for PHAs (HUD Form 50077-SL)
Here for applicants for HUD funding to be certified consistent (Form HUD-2991)
Here for CoC applicants to be certified consistent (Form HUD-2991 CoC Program Competition)
Please allow THDA a minimum of two weeks (minimum of one month for demolition) to review all requests and have certifications returned. All requests for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan forms should be sent via email to
Questions? Please contact
What is the Consolidated Plan?
The Consolidated Plan combines the planning, application, and reporting processes for five U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant programs:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
- HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA)
- National Housing Trust Fund
These funds are utilized to support a variety of housing and community development programs and projects throughout Tennessee, primarily for the benefit of low- and moderate-income households. As a recipient of these funds, the State is required to prepare and submit a Consolidated Plan to HUD every five years. The newest Consolidated Plan covers 2020-2024.
The Consolidated Plan examines the current housing situation, explore the housing and community development needs of the State, and set priorities for spending HUD grant monies. This document serves as a guide in helping the State of Tennessee meet affordable housing, community development, economic development, public service, and fair housing needs over the next five years. The Consolidated Plan also addresses the changing external factors influencing existing programs and the need to be accountable for the resources Tennessee has been granted or will coordinate.
State of Tennessee Consolidated Plans
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Access the TN 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan Appendix (Part I & Part II)
2020-2024 Consolidated Plan Approval Letter
Access the TN 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan Appendix HERE
2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and 2015-2016 Action Plan Approval Letter
State of Tennessee Annual Action Plans
The Consolidated Plan is carried out through Annual Action Plans, which provide a concise summary of the actions, activities, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan.
- Action Plan FY 2022-2023
- Action Plan FY 2021-2022
- Action Plan FY 2019-2020
- Action Plan FY 2018-2019
- Action Plan FY 2017-2018
- Action Plan FY 2016-2017 (Amended May 2017)
- Action Plan FY 2015-2016
- Action Plan FY 2014-2015
- Action Plan FY 2013-2014
- Action Plan FY 2012-2013
- Action Plan FY 2011-2012
- Action Plan FY 2010-2011
- Action Plan FY 2009-2010
- Action Plan FY 2008-2009
- Action Plan FY 2007-2008
- Action Plan FY 2006-2007
- Action Plan FY 2005-2006
State of Tennessee Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPER)
The State of Tennessee reports on accomplishments and progress toward Consolidated Plan goals in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
- CAPER FY 2022-2023
- CAPER FY 2021-2022
- CAPER FY 2020-2021
- CAPER FY 2019-2020
- CAPER FY 2018-2019
- CAPER FY 2017-2018
- CAPER FY 2016-2017
- CAPER FY 2015-2016
- CAPER FY 2014-2015
- CAPER FY 2013-2014
- CAPER FY 2012-2013
- CAPER FY 2011-2012
- CAPER FY 2010-2011
- CAPER FY 2009-2010
- CAPER FY 2008-2009
- CAPER FY 2007-2008
- CAPER FY 2006-2007
- CAPER FY 2005-2006
- CAPER FY 2004-2005
- CAPER FY 2003-2004
CAPER Approval Letter
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2021-2022
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2020-2021
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2019-2020
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2018-2019
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2017-2018
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2016-2017
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2015-2016
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2014-2015
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2013-2014
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2012-2013
- CAPER Response to FHEO FY 2012-2013
- CAPER Approval Letter FY 2011-2012
Housing Trust Fund
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is charged with developing a National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan, which was incorporated into the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan on August 16, 2016. The National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a new federal formula grant program provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funds will be distributed to the State of Tennessee to produce, preserve, rehabilitate, and operate housing affordable to extremely low-income households earning less than 30 percent of the area median income. The State of Tennessee will receive $3 million in the first year of the HTF.
HTF Allocation Plan FY 2017-18 (Final, with Appendices)
HTF Allocation Plan FY 2016-17
Attachments to the HTF Allocation Plan FY 2016-17
- Design Standards for Rehabilitation
- Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits
- Multifamily Work Write-Up Estimate
- Single Family Work Write-Up Estimate
- THDA Uniform Physical Condition Standards Checklist
Substantial Amendment - Executive Summary
HOME Investment Partnership Program
Administered by Tennessee Housing Development Agency, the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides formula grants to States and localities that communities use - often in partnership with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people. HOME is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.
- 2020 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2019 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2018 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2017 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2016 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2015 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2014 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2013 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2012 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2011 HOME Beneficiary Report
- 2010 HOME Beneficiary Report
Community Development Block Grant Program
Administered by TN Department of Economic and Community Development, the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. The CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD and provides annual grants on a formula basis to the State of Tennessee.
Emergency Solutions Grant Program
Tennessee Housing Development Agency administers the federally-funded Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program to help improve the quality of emergency shelters for the homeless; to help meet the costs of operating and maintaining emergency shelters; to provide essential services so that homeless individuals have access to the assistance they need to improve their situation; to provide street outreach services to the homeless; and to provide emergency intervention assistance and rapid re-housing services to prevent homelessness and to obtain permanent housing.
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program
Administered by TN Department of Health, the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is the only Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Under the HOPWA Program, HUD makes grants to local communities, States, and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
Citizen Participation Plan
The Citizen Participation Plan is the strategy for public participation that incorporates citizen input into the planning, implementation, coordination, and assessment of Tennessee’s projects and activities. Access this plan here: Citizen Participation Plan
As part of the Tennessee 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, a web-based Housing and Community Needs Survey was conducted from February 4th to March 2nd of 2015. The survey was completed by 671 respondents, representing every county in Tennessee. Individuals solicited for participation included elected officials, state and local governing bodies, representatives of housing groups, minority organizations, disability resource groups, real estate and property management associations, banking entities, and other groups involved in the housing and development fields.
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
Analysis of Impediments (AI) is a review of impediments or barriers that affect the rights of fair housing choice. It covers public and private policies, practices, and procedures affecting housing choice. Impediments to fair housing choice are defined as any actions, omissions, or decisions that restrict, or have the effect of restricting, the availability of housing choices, based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, or creed.
- 2020 Fair Housing Brief Series
- Executive Summary
- Full Report
- Appendices
- 2018 Update to the 2013 Report
Questions or comments about the TN Consolidated Plan? Contact Research and Planning.