Other Housing Resources

Other Housing Resources

The following web addresses are provided as a matter of convenience and are not explicitly or implicitly, endorsed, recommended or approved by THDA. THDA does not explicitly or implicitly, adopt or endorse any of the information you may obtain as a result of using any of the following web addresses. The following web addresses are provided "as is" without warranty or any kind, express or implied, by THDA with respect to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or reliability of any information you may obtain by accessing any of the following web addresses. Further, THDA does not represent or warrant as to the presence or absence of any other web sites that may provide different or more accurate, timely, complete, or reliable information.

When you access any of the following web addresses, you will be leaving the THDA web site. By accessing any of the following web addresses, you are acknowledging that no information obtained via such addresses is attributable to THDA and that under no circumstances shall THDA have any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damage of any kind, in whole or in part, resulting from or related to use of any information obtained as a result of accessing web sites using the following web addresses.

www.tennessee.gov - The State of Tennessee web site provides general information about Tennessee government and resources.

www.tennessee.gov/humanrights- The Tennessee Human Rights Commission is a source for information on discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing.

www.tennessee.gov/sbe/ - The Tennessee State Board of Education is the governing and policy making body for the Tennessee system of public elementary and secondary education.

www.allregs.com - Allregs is a database of residential mortgage lending guidelines.

www.census.gov - The US Census Bureau is a source for social, demographic and economic information.

www.consumerfinance.gov - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau helps consumer finance markets work by making rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering consumers to take more control over their economic lives.

www.fairhousing.com - The National Fair Housing Advocate Online is a resource for information regarding housing discrimination.

www.fanniemae.com - Fannie Mae provides resource information for home buyers and lenders.

www.fema.gov - The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an independent agency of the Federal Government providing emergency management programs.

www.fhagm.org - The Fair Housing Alliance of Greater Memphis is an established 501(C)3 organization providing education and outreach to the public as well as housing providers.

www.fhfa.gov - The Federal Housing Finance Agency is a regulator for the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) System.

www.freddiemac.com - Freddie Mac provides resource information for home buyers and multifamily investors.

www.ginniemae.org - Ginnie Mae provides resource information for home buyers, mortgage finance industry participants and securities investors.

www.habitat.org - Habitat for Humanity brings families and communities in need together with volunteers and resources to build decent, affordable housing.

www.hud.gov - US Department of Housing and Urban Development provides a variety of information, including consumer information regarding home purchases.

www.hud.gov/tennessee.html - a list of HUD's area offices in Tennessee.

www.hudclips.org- HUD's Client Information and Policy System provides access to information and resources.

www.huduser.org - HUD USER is an information source for housing and community development researchers and policymakers that includes Federal Government reports and information on housing policy and programs, building technology, economic development, urban planning, other housing-related topics, and HUD's Income Limits (Estimated Median Family Incomes) at www.huduser.org/datasets/il.html.

http://www.huduser.gov/hud_timeline/ - HUD's interactive timeline of American housing through the years.

www.irs.gov - The Internal Revenue Service site provides access to IRS tax information and services.

www.mba.org - Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) of America provides information about products and services, consumer information, news, and MBA's calendar of events.

www.nahb.com - National Association of Home Builders.

www.nahro.org - The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials is a housing and community development advocate.

www.ncsha.org - The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) is a national, nonprofit organization whose members are Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) with statewide authority.

Renter's Guide - BestColleges.com addresses the common snares of renting, the questions to consider when entering the rental market, and how to identify and avoid rental scams, a crime first-time renters are particularly vulnerable to.

USDA Rural Development - USDA Rural Development Single Family Housing Direct Program and Guaranteed Loan Program

Senior and Retirement Resources