THDA Public Notice and Comment

THDA Public Notice and Comment

Tennessee Housing Needs Survey for the Public

Open to ALL Tennesseans. Please respond by July 31, 2024.

Affordable, decent, safe, and fair housing matters to everyone. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and partners are conducting a study of housing needs in Tennessee and are seeking your experiences and opinions.

Your input will be used to develop two plans:

  1. The 2025 – 2029 Consolidated Plan, which will outline goals and priorities for an anticipated $60 million in annual federal funding for housing and infrastructure from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
  2. A fair housing plan to address housing discrimination and disparities.

Please visit the survey by July 31, 2024. Please contact for questions and accommodations.

Encuesta de necesidades de vivienda de Tennessee

Abierta a TODOS los habitantes de Tennessee. Le pedimos que responda antes del 31 de julio de 2024.

Una vivienda asequible, decente, segura y justa es importante para todos. La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (Tennessee Housing Development Agency, THDA) y sus socios están realizando un estudio sobre las necesidades de vivienda en Tennessee, y buscan conocer sus experiencias y opiniones.

Su opinión se utilizará para desarrollar dos planes:

  1. El Plan Consolidado 2025 – 2029, que describirá objetivos y prioridades para un financiamiento federal anual anticipado de $60 millones para vivienda e infraestructura del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EE. UU. (Housing and Urban Development, HUD).
  2. Un plan de vivienda justa para hacer frente a la discriminación y las disparidades en la vivienda.

Visite el enlace del 31 de julio de 2024. Si tiene preguntas o necesita adaptaciones, comuníquese con .

Notice of Rulemaking Hearing –Project Based Voucher under the Housing Choice Voucher Program

THDA seeks to administer the Project-Based Voucher Program (PBV), which offers eligible low-income families the opportunity to reside in designated properties with rent subsidies. Prospective applicants are required to apply for specific properties and will be placed on the waiting list for the chosen property. Upon selection from the waiting list and placement, residents contribute approximately 30% of their income towards rent. Residents who maintain good standing in the program for at least one year may qualify for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, expanding their housing options.

The rules that will govern the PBV Program are available for review and open for public comment. Submit written comments to Charity Williams at

A Public Hearing, to receive public comment, will be held in-person and virtually on Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. Location and login information can be found at the link below:

Notice of Public Hearing for THDA's Proposed Issuance of Bonds

Notice is hereby given of the intent of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency ("THDA") to hold a public hearing on THDA's proposed issuance of tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds or notes, in one or more series, on one or more dates, including a plan of finance therefor, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350 million to make monies available to finance single family homes located in the State of Tennessee for qualified families and to refund certain previously issued bonds of THDA. The hearing will be held by conference call at 11:00 AM CDT, April 19, 2024, using THDA's toll-free number: 1-888-727-6537. Persons wishing to make oral comments should notify THDA by email to no later than 4:30 PM CDT,April 13, 2024, of their intention. Oral comments are limited to three minutes; however, written comments will be accepted and included in the record of the public hearing. Written comments should be emailed to no later than 4:30 PM CDT, April 16, 2024. Any individual who needs special assistance in order to participate in this public hearing should notify THDA by email to or calling the Legal number at 615-815-2028, and leaving a voice message no later than by 4:30 PM CDT, April 13, 2024. Notice posted on April 11, 2024.


Homeowner Assistance Fund Program - TNHAF

The Homeowners Assistance Fund was established under Section 3206 of The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The combined assistance provided under the HAF program is $9.9 billion to be administered to states, territories and tribal governments. Of that amount the state of Tennessee was allocated $168,239,035. With approval provided by the office of the Governor, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) will administer the HAF funds to those eligible homeowners experiencing a financial hardship related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is a State agency that was established by the Tennessee General Assembly in 1973 (TCA 13-23-120). THDA is committed to the belief that housing is a basic human need that has profound impacts, both social and economic, on individuals and communities. Safe, sound, affordable housing is essential to a healthy household, educational achievement, successful employment, and the stability and safety of the neighborhood. THDA has a broad portfolio of housing assistance programs and continues to vigorously develop a network of industry and municipal partners for their delivery.

On April 14, 2021 the US Department of Treasury sent out the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Guidance. THDA staff will be following this guidance in preparing the HAF program proposal, the TNHAF Plan, to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Treasury for approval by August 21, 2021. The TNHAF plan will be made available to mitigate financial hardships associated with the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) to assist in preventing mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures, defaults and other related housing expenses. Eligibility will be determined based on the TNHAF Program Guidelines.

Upon approval by the U.S. Treasury of the TNHAF program plan, funds will be provided by the U.S. Treasury and the program will be open for applications. TNHAF homeowner application process will be provided through a digital platform accessible through desktops, laptops and hand held devices. If you are a homeowner that may need some assistance please visit to submit your email to be notified of the application start date.

Full Executive Summary

Full Executive Summary (En Español)