Recovery at home - with a little help from friends

Recovery at home - with a little help from friends

For those living with substance abuse problems, housing can play an important role in recovery. Emerging from recovery facilities, housing insecurity often contributes to relapse.

Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment Authority sought to address that issue in part with Slate House, a sober-living facility that provides housing and supportive services to women who are homeless and dealing with opioid abuse disorder.

KHRA utilized a $500,000 grant through THDA’s Creating Homes Initiative-2 program to build the home, which can house up to six women at a time.

Christy McMakin, KHRA’s Supportive Housing Manager, says the first residents of Slate House have found their first year at the home be successful.

"Out of the four that we've had, three have been successful in maintaining their recovery for a year, and the other resident has maintained her recovery for the nine months she's been in there,” McMakin said. “They've all maintained recovery and they all have full-time jobs now. So they all have jobs, they've been able to do things like pay off court fees.” 

McMakin said three of the residents were homeless before moving into Slate House, with the fourth living in a hotel room. KHRA worked with local healthcare organizations and nonprofits to identify potential residents.  

“They've really been able to pull themselves up from how they were living to become very stable now,” McMakin said. 

McMakin said one of the residents now serves at the “house mom” for the property, while all four help lead 12-step program meetings at other KHRA properties. 

The success of the residents, McMakin said, can be traced back to the fact that have a safe place to live that also offers supportive services. 

“The supportive services really make a difference,” McMakin said. “That’s the key. We’re there to offer support with meetings, and having accountability and people that will work with them in all areas, not just recovery. If they don’t get that support you’re not going to have as many successes as you’d like to see.”