KINGSPORT, TN— June 4, 2021- The Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority (KHRA) is partnering with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) to expand permanent recovery housing for individuals recovering from Opioid Use Disorder.
KHRA’s new group home will be located in Kingsport, with construction set to begin in early summer. This project is funded in part by a $500,000 Creating Homes Initiative-2 (CHI-2) grant from THDA’s Tennessee Housing Trust Fund as well as additional backing from Bank of Tennessee.
A groundbreaking ceremony for the Slate House was held on June 4, 2021.
“KHRA is proud to participate in a project like this,” said KHRA Deputy Director Sam Edwards. “We have experienced success with the construction and management of similar homes in the past, and we are thankful for the opportunity to break ground on what will be our third group home to date. By increasing access and availability to recovery housing, we stand committed to our promise to transform and empower our community.”
The need for recovery housing has increased in recent years with opioid addiction and related deaths having quadrupled on a national level since 1999, reports the CDC. The Slate House aims combat those rising numbers by providing a safe, supportive, and structured living environment for members within the Kingsport community.
“Having the safety and security of a place to call home can be that final piece of help a person needs to get their life back on track as they recover from drug addiction,” said THDA Industry and Government Affairs Liaison Katie Moore. “As the state’s housing finance agency, THDA realizes the importance of projects like this one and the work being done by KHRA to provide housing for those in recovery.”
Construction is anticipated to last six months, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be scheduled upon completion of the project. Residents of the completed home will be referred from local treatment facilities and tenants will receive ongoing case management.
The State of Tennessee offers assistance to Tennessee residents who are struggling with addiction. If you or a loved one are experiencing substance abuse issues and need help accessing resources, please call the Tennessee REDLINE at 1-800-889-9789. This service provides addiction information and referrals to Tennessee residents at their request. The service is provided by the Tennessee Association for Alcohol, Drug and other Addiction Services through a contract with the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.