June 14, 2022 – The Tennessee Housing Development Agency awarded 19 applicants over 3.5 million dollars from the Emergency Solutions Grants.
Cities, counties and non-profit organizations in Tennessee are eligible to apply for the funds through a competitive grant process THDA administers.
The awarded funds will be disperses to the following organizations: Family Promise of Bristol, Johnson County Safe Haven, Inc., Helen Ross McNabb Center, Family Promise of Greater Kingsport, Chattanooga Room In the Inn, Chattanooga Regional Homeless Coalition, MATS, Inc., Greater Kingsport Alliance for Development, Fairview Housing Management Corporation, Cleveland Emergency Shelter, Inc., Appalachian Regional Coalition on Homelessness, WRAP, Tennessee Homeless Solutions, Area Relief Ministries, Carey Counseling Center, Inc., Bridges of Williamson County, The Journey Home, Inc., Doors of Hope, and Domestic Violence Program, Inc.
THDA administers the federally-funded Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program to help improve the quality of emergency shelters for the homeless; to help meet the costs of operating and maintaining emergency shelters; to provide essential services so that homeless individuals have access to the assistance they need to improve their situation; to provide street outreach services to the homeless; and to provide emergency intervention assistance and rapid re-housing services to prevent homelessness and to obtain permanent housing.