Oct. 27, 2023 –Tennessee Housing Development Agency helped Emory Valley Center staff cut the ribbon Friday on a recently renovated property in Oak Ridge that will provide supportive housing for the developmentally disabled.
Emory Valley received over $615,000 in grants from THDA’s Tennessee Housing Trust Fund to completely renovate and redesign a former group home located on the Oak Ridge Turnpike in Oak Ridge. The residence, which previously housed four people, was converted to a duplex and will now be home to eight individuals.
THDA Executive Director Ralph M. Perrey said the redesign will allow Emory Valley to provide services to more people who need them.
“Everyone deserves access to safe, decent and affordable housing,” Perrey said. “The funding we provided for this project will allow Emory Valley Center to provide quality living conditions and access to much-needed services for resident for years to come.”
Emory Valley Center President Jennifer Enderson said the project would not have been possible without the funding provided by THDA.
“Emory Valley Center is very excited to have the opportunity to partner with THDA to provide affordable and accessible housing for the people we support. We look forward to a continued relationship with THDA in the future.”
Emory Valley purchased the property in 1979 to use as a group residence for its clients. In recent years, the house was licensed for four beds due to federal guidelines. Emory Valley’s renovations converted the home into a duplex, which will double occupancy, and also provided various other livability upgrades.
The home serves individuals who have intellectual/developmental disabilities, co-occuring physical disabilities and who are extremely low income.
The Tennessee Housing Trust Fund (THTF) was created by the THDA board of directors to provide financial support for innovative, affordable initiatives that serve the housing needs of Tennessee’s most vulnerable residents.
Funding for the Tennessee Housing Trust Fund comes entirely from earnings generated through THDA’s Single Family Mortgage program. THTF grants are awarded through a competitive application process. Since 2006 THDA has provided over $117.3 million in THTF grants to local governments and nonprofit organizations across the state.