Emergency Repair Program Information for Grantees and Grant Administrators

ERP Information for Grantees and Administrators

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), upon approval of its Board of Directors, allocates $2.7 million annually for the Emergency Repair Program (ERP). The Emergency Repair Program is designed to correct, repair, or replace an essential system and/or critical structural problem for homeowners who are either elderly (age 60 or over) or disabled. The purpose of ERP is to stabilize the homeowner's residence by making essential repairs to make the home more livable. This is not a comprehensive homeowner rehabilitation program.


Assistance is available to individual homeowners in the form of a grant. The grant does not require that a lien be placed against the property and there is no compliance period. The maximum grant amount is $24,999. Homeowners must apply through one of the nine administering agencies.

Start-up Forms:

Applicant Documents:

Draw Request Forms:

Helpful Resources

For more information, contact THDA Community Housing at ERP@THDA.org

Additional Resources

Telling Your Story : A Communications Guide
A great little booklet we've written with tips on how you can effectively publicize the work you're doing within your community. As you increase awareness with the public and local officials, the greater support you will have, and the likelihood of gaining additional funding for future projects increases.
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