S8 Ownership / Management Agent Changes for HUD

Form HUD-2530, Previous Participation Certification, is required for all entities seeking to do new and/or additional business with HUD. Any change in an ownership or agent entity or a principal of that entity, including non-profit board members, requires an updated HUD-2530 for review and approval, prior to the change taking effect.

HUD-2530 forms may be submitted electronically through the APPS System, or hard copy to the jurisdictional HUD Field Office. Electronic submittal of the HUD-2530 through APPS is strongly encouraged. APPS provides for higher levels of consistency and accuracy of disclosure, thus decreasing the chance of error and the need for revisions. It performs the system checks and facilitates a faster turnaround than on paper submittals.

Click here for the APPS website.

This webpage provides links for registering as an APPS user, the APPS Industry User Guide, an APPS tutorial to assist with your understanding and navigation in the system, and access to the APPS system itself.

Those owners and agents of HUD-related projects who have approved paper HUD-2530’s should register as a HUD Business Partner in the APPS system. Business Partner registration ensures that data in the IREMS database is accurate. Registration as a business partner does not require the submission of a full HUD-2530.