New Start Loan Program

New Start Loan Program

The New Start Loan Program is designed to promote the construction of new homes for low and very low-income Tennesseans. The New Start Loan Program is delivered through non-profit organizations (the “New Start Program Partner” or “Program Partner”) with established programs for the construction of single family housing for low and very low income households. The New Start Program Partner is responsible for selecting the homebuyer, determining eligibility, constructing the home, providing homebuyer education, and originating the New Start Loan.

In order to be eligible to participate, the non-profit must first complete, sign and return the THDA New Start Program Partner Application, New Start Loan Program Partner Disclosure and Certification, accompanied by all required documentation listed in Section 2 of the New Start Program Guide. Upon review of these documents by THDA you will be notified of your approval status, provided an identifying Program Partner number assigned to your respective agency/affiliate office, and copies of executed documents will be returned to you.

Becoming a New Start Loan Program Partner:

Allocation Request

New Start Mortgage Loan Program Forms:

New Start Program Guide

New Start Lending Partner Notices

Program Guide Revisions

    Old New Start Memo Updates

    For further information, please contact .