HOME Long Term Affordability

HOME Ongoing Affordability Requirements

About the Program

THDA's Division of Program Compliance is responsible for conducting annual reviews of HOME assisted properties to determine compliance with the ongoing affordability requirements. This review includes analysis of the tenant income records, rent rolls, and physical quality of HOME units. Additionally, HOME assisted properties are required to submit to THDA an annual self-certification of compliance.

HOME Program rules establish regular on-site monitoring of the assisted property during the affordability period. Non-compliance noted during inspections can fall within three types of violations. Failure to correct or maintain compliance during the affordability period may result in fees, penalties, legal action, and repayment of the HOME grant.

The division offers compliance training for owners, managers, and dedicated compliance staff of HOME assisted properties. This training is offered several times per year in various locations in the state. Automated registration will be available when the training session dates and locations have been determined.

Additional Resources