HOME Program Applications and Information

HOME Program Applications and Information

Click here for information about HOME-ARP

How to Apply for a HOME Grant

Program Manual
Program Limits & Standards
Fair Housing

Program Tutorials

THDA Rehab Coordinator Training Video Rehab Coordinator Training Video
A detailed video on the responsibilities of the Rehab Coordinator and how to properly document and report the rehab activities taking place at a HOME property.
Compliant HOME Procurement
Covers the procurement requirements of the HOME program, including such topics as: risks of noncompliance, procurement standards, conflicts of interest, procurement methods, limits, and resources for further information.
CHDO Acquisition and Rehab
Homeowner Rehabilitation Monitoring
Homeowner Rehabilitation Pay Request Process
Homeownership Monitoring
Program Requirements Monitoring
Lead-based Paint Hazard
Submitting an Initial Work Write-Up

Additional Resources

Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Housing Handbook

HUD CHDO Training

This self-paced online training is a comprehensive introduction and an important refresher on regulatory requirements for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). It covers the latest requirements codified in the 2013 HOME Rule.
Telling Your Story : A Communications Guide
A great little booklet we've written with tips on how you can effectively publicize the work you're doing within your community. As you increase awareness with the public and local officials, the greater support you will have, and the likelihood of gaining additional funding for future projects increases.
Faces Behind the Funding Questionnaire
A printable questionnaire you can fill out and submit to THDA to help promote your grant projects.
Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home
Read this brochure to learn how lead affects your health and what you can do to protect your family.
Proteja a su familia contra el plomo en el hogar
Lea este folleto para saber cómo el plomo afecta su salud y qué puede hacer para proteger a su familia.
CHDO Requirements
An excerpt from the HUD "Building HOME" guide which explains how to qualify as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). Topics discussed are: qualifying criteria, eligible uses of HOME funds, set-aside roles, special assistance available to CHDOs, program design and implementation, and building capacity.
HOME Regulations 24 CFR Part 92
Read the HUD regulations for the HOME Program directly from the Federal Register.
Fair Housing Logo
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ADA Graphic
.png image - suitable for printing
Tennessee State Diversity Directory
Link directly to the TN Department of General Services' Diversity Directory website.



Need more information?

Please contact Aaron Toran at (615) 815-2037 or at atoran@thda.org.