HOME-ARP Program

HOME-ARP Program

Draft HOME-ARP Amended Allocation Plan

The draft HOME-ARP Allocation is available for public review above.

Tennessee Housing Development Agency (“THDA”) received over $53 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) to implement the HOME American Rescue Plan (“ARP”) Program. The purpose of the HOME-ARP Program is to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, or other vulnerable populations.

HUD CPD Notice 21-10
2013 HOME Final Rule

HOME-ARP funds must be used to primarily benefit individuals or families from the following qualifying populations (QP):

  1. Those who are homeless (Sec. 103 (a), McKinney-Vento)
  2. At-risk of homelessness (Sec. 401, McKinney-Vento)
  3. Those fleeing, or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking
  4. Those who are part of other populations wherein providing supportive services or assistance would prevent a family’s homelessness or would serve those with the greatest risk of housing instability.
  5. Veterans and families that include veterans that meet the criteria in items 1 – 4 above.

Eligible Activities:

  • Production or preservation of affordable housing
  • Rental assistance
  • Supportive services
  • Production of non-congregate housing

Eligible Applicants:

  • Qualified CHDOs
  • Non-profit housing developers
  • Public housing authorities

THDA’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan is available HERE for review. THDA is planning to make the HOME-ARP funds available through competitive applications in three rounds of funding.

Program Descriptions Approved:


Please feel free to send general questions or comments concerning the HOME-ARP Program to HOMEARP@Thda.org.

HOME-ARP Supportive Services Program

Please submit all questions concerning the HOME-ARP Supportive Services Program to ESG@Thda.org